Paola ARDUINI architect
































Casa Galeazzi del Carmine:
a historic Cadore residence

Vianello Libri, 2013
ISBN-10: 8872004012
ISBN-13: 9788872004012

Ponzano (Treviso), 2013; hardcover, pp. 256, col. ill., cm. 25x33


Italian and English text. Photos by Norbert Heyl and Mia Battaglia. Text by Paola Arduini and Paola Paradisi. Preface by Bernard Aikema. With an essay on the frescoes by Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo




Situated in Valle di Cadore, in Ciesamàs hamlet, Casa Galeazzi del Carmine is a fine example of a Cadore manor house which rather then being isolated is a part of the hamlet. By means of a wealth of evocative photographs, this volume illustrates the various phases of a complex restoration project. Inspired by the most rigorous conservation criteria, the restoration of the building brought to light interesting architectural and decorative details. A great deal of the furniture and ornaments are also original to the building and are an interesting source of historical and cultural information.


- August 17, 2013 (6 p.m.), Magnifica Comunità di Cadore - Pieve di Cadore (BL): presentation of the book "Casa Galeazzi del Carmine: A historic Cadore residence" (with the participation of Bernard Aikema, Paola Arduini and Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo): photogallery

- October 9-13, 2013: Frankfurt Book Fair

- January 31, 2014 (9:30 p.m.), Rotary Club Verona Nord - Villa Quaranta (VR): presentation of the books "Casa Galeazzi del Carmine: A historic Cadore residence" and "Veronese interiors: A journey through history" (with the participation of Paola Arduini and Paola Paradisi)

- Radio Club 103, interview with Paola Arduini: ...

- EDG Enzo De Gasperi | Xmas Collection 2015 (link: seasons > winter): photogallery

- ADA CHANNEL: "Case da sogno: Montagna": video | video with interview

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