Paola ARDUINI architect
















Veronese interiors:
a journey through history

Vianello Libri, 2010
ISBN-10: 8872003245
ISBN-13: 9788872003244

Ponzano (Treviso), 2010; hardcover, pp. 208, col. ill., cm. 25x33


Italian and English text. Photos by Judith Bosboom. Text by Paola Arduini and Paola Paradisi. Preface by Daniela Zumiani





This book illustrates ten Verona homes, in the old city and in the countryside, each with an atmosphere distinctly its own. Quite apart from their differences and individuality, the ten restoration projects all have two things in common: Verona and history. The Veronese element can be seen in a constant preference for local, traditional materials, and the sense of history appears not so much in an academic style as in an absolute, almost philological respect for the past and for original items. With a constant focus on harmony and proportion, all this is of course perfectly reconciled with our modern, rapidly changing world.
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